[Salon] Fwd: X/Twitter: Arnaud Bertrand, China/ Uyghurs", thorough


Arnaud Bertrand on X: "This might sound innocuous and inconsequential but it actually matters, a lot. https://t.co/z3jZ1KFtQ3 The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations calls China “a true friend ready to do everything they can to help the Palestinian people” and says "we know the position of China…" / X

 Jan 18, 2024
This might sound innocuous and inconsequential but it actually matters, a lot.scmp.com/news/china/dip 

The Palestinian envoy to the United Nations calls China “a true friend ready to do everything they can to help the Palestinian people” and says "we know the position of China very well. It is a principled position. We work very closely with them in the United Nations Security Council. They support every effort and every resolution that calls for immediate ceasefire and for providing humanitarian assistance." 

Why does it matter? Because it essentially signs the death kneel of a long-time effort by the U.S. to turn the Muslim world against China, trying to spread the false notion that China was anti-Muslim. The result - which when you think about it is actually pretty hilarious - is that they managed to propagandize themselves into believing it, but not the Muslim world! 

So you end up in the pretty ironical situation where you now have Western countries completely deluded about reality - believing China is some sort of enemy of Islam - and the actual reality of Muslim countries, illustrated by what the Palestinians are saying, stating "nope, actually China is pretty much our best friend!" And it's not just the Palestinians. We know that China has gotten very close to both Saudi Arabia and Iran, which is why they recently managed to broker the historic detente between both countries. And you can find scores of pro-China statements by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) - which gathers all of the world's Muslim states - such as this one where it "commends the efforts of the People's Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens": oic-oci.org/docdown/?docID At the end of the day it all stems from hubris and the belief stated at the time by George Bush's deputy chief of staff Karl Rove that as an empire, the U.S. could create its own reality: "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality" is the exact quote (en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Karl_Rove). They believed that after killing millions of Muslims during the war on terror ("at least 4.5-4.7 million" according to Brown University's Costs of War Project: watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/), they could somehow make China into the world's foremost anti-Muslim villain. And they themselves got convinced by it: ask anyone in the street in Europe or the U.S. if China or their own country is more anti-Muslim and you'll invariably be told it's China... All the more insane today given the U.S. is sponsoring yet another massacre of Muslims in Gaza... 

But the thing is that this "creation of our own reality" increasingly only works on themselves and the result is that the West is increasingly disconnected from the rest of the world's reality, to their detriment. The West, more and more, is in the matrix whereas the rest of the world has long eaten the red pill. 

And I know that all of this is incredibly hard to hear for someone who's only ever been exposed to the "creation of our own reality" matrix. I can already pre-empt the "but the Uyghurs" replies to this post. But whether you like it or not, those are just facts: China has incredibly good relations with the Muslim world and the U.S. - along with the West at large - is the one seen the way they wanted to portray China as. No-one is screaming "death to China" in the Muslim world... 

As for the Uyghurs, I've written numerous times on this topic: what happened in Xinjiang was NOT an effort against Islam but an effort against separatism. Islam has a very long history in China that vastly predates the Uyghurs: it dates back to the seventh century - less than twenty years after the death of Muhammad - making China one of the countries on earth with the oldest Islamic tradition. The Uyghurs are originally from Mongolia/Southern Siberia and migrated to Xinjiang between the 9th to 11th century... when Xinjiang had already been part of China in the Han and the Tang dynasties centuries prior. And when the Uyghurs arrived in China they followed Manichaeism, Tengrism and Buddhism, they only converted to Islam later, progressively until the 15th century. 

It is absolutely true that during a few years - it has considerably died down now - Xinjiang had relatively extreme security measures, which you can perfectly criticize. This was on the back of dozens of terror attacks throughout the country by an extreme Uyghur separatist group called ETIM, a branch of the Turkistan Islamic Party, founded in Pakistan, that killed thousands of people. The group is recognized as a terrorist organization by almost all Muslim countries. China responded by sending many people - those suspected of belonging to this group or having sympathies for it - to facilities which the government called "vocational education and training centers", where the concept was instead of sending these individuals to prison, the government would teach them practical skills to reintegrate them into society and also pair that with a fair amount of civic/patriotic education. Xinjiang also had intense surveillance, police stations every few hundred meters, or measures like the fact you had to register every knife you owned with the police. However, these tough measures were coupled with enormous poverty alleviation efforts in the region - poverty always being an important root cause of dissent - as well as a huge push to transform Xinjiang into a major touristic destination in China. And critically, at no point did China resort to the demonization or othering of Muslims like the U.S. for instance did after 9-11: on the contrary there was a huge PR push in China to improve the image of Xinjiang and the Uyghurs, which as a result are seen way more positively in the country than they were say 10 years ago. 

This was all instituted circa 2017 and fast forward a few years: everyone - even China's biggest detractors (the intellectually honest ones) - agrees those "vocational training" facilities have now been pretty much all closed, that the security measures have now been considerably rolled back and that Xinjiang is now China's top touristic destination, welcoming a crazy 265.44 million tourist visits in 2023. So it's fair to say we don't end up in a bad place at all. This was recently admitted by two of the most famous German China scholars who visited Xinjiang: nzz.ch/meinung/xinjia or this report in the Berliner Zeitung by a journalist who visited the province in October: berliner-zeitung.de/wirtschaft-ver 

I don't want to give the impression that China is perfect, it absolutely isn't, no country ever is. For one, there is no smoke without fire and if many Uyghurs were tempted by separatism and had sympathies for ETIM, it must have been because they believed they were getting a raw deal. And again you can perfectly criticize the way China answered all of this, although I personally believe that it far surpasses (not even comparable, really) the way the US dealt with similar problems in neighboring Afghanistan: by simply bombing everyone and as a result consolidating the resolve of the population to side with the Talibans. Xinjiang now ends up with a GDP per capita that's higher than most Asian countries - higher than Thailand for instance - and Afghanistan's GDP per capita is less than half that of North Korea! 

But you cannot live in an alternate reality - in the matrix - where China would be this anti-Muslim state that "went against the Uyghurs just because they're Muslims", because it's simply not true at all. And if you believe this, it's actually yourself that you hurt, because it means that you don't understand the world you live in, and therefore make decisions based on the US empire's "creation of our own reality" which in truth is actually a denial of reality.

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